Health and Welfare BENEFITS
Many members of UNITE HERE Local 75 participate in the UNITE HERE Health & Welfare Plan.
Your Health & Welfare Plan was set up through collective bargaining between yourUnion and your Employer. It is funded through the contributions established in your collective agreement.
Your Plan is managed by a Board of Trustees. The Board is made up of four trustees from Management and four from your Union. Their duty is to monitor the operation of your Plan and to determine the benefits that make up your plan, while considering the money available. The Board may amend your Plan at any time.
Soben Management Ltd. is the benefits plan administrator that takes care of the day to day operations of the Plan. ClaimSecure administers your prescription drug cards. The UNITE HERE Wellness and Dental Centre is dedicated to providing excellent, medically necessary care in a pleasant, warm, health oriented environment.
Your Benefits Plan has been in operation since 1981, working to provide the most comprehensive coverage possible. The Trustees recognize that benefits are very important to the health and productivity of the employees and their families.
For more information about your benefits plan, please speak with your
Human Resources Department or contact Soben.
Application for plan membershIp (health & welfare )
Compassionate care top-up claim form
Disability benefits claim form
(Weekly indemnity)
Medical benefits claim form
OUT-OF-GTA Dental Claim Form
Prescription drugs
Drugs requiring a special Authorization
Special Authorization Form